Referee in Chief
Brad Geddes
We are in need of Referee's for the busy season ahead!
KMHA is hosting their annual Officials Clinic Sunday September 9th at the Three Hills Arena. The clinic runs from 8am upstairs in the Encana Room and usually ends about 4pm. with a 1hr on ice portion starting at 12pm. There will be a 30min lunch break and then a 1 hr on ice session at 1pm. Those interested in taking the clinic can register at the links below.
Official - Level 1 (U15) - #2023000887
Official - Level 2 (U19) - #2023000888
Official - Level 2 (19+) - #2023000889
Officials taking the clinic should have an officials jersey, black pants (sweat pants will do), Acme 477/585 whistle or Fox 40 whistle, helmet with visor (however a cage will work for the clinic) and hockey skates.
The Level I/2 beginners clinic requires that participants must complete an online classroom portion (Official - HU-Online Officiating 1/2) prior to registering for the Three Hills in person clinic. Registration will lead new officials to this online clinic.
Participants must turn 12 years old by Dec 31, 2023 to be eligible to register.
Participants 18 years old or older and every 3 years recurring must complete a Criminal Record Check (CRC) to be eligible to register. Hockey Canada now ONLY accepts CRC’s completed through the following link.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Brad Geddes
Kneehill Minor Hockey Association
Certification at all levels, except Level I, is a two-part process involving clinical and practical assessment.
The level system, Level I through Level VI, is the foundation for the training and development of amateur hockey officials across Canada. Hockey Canada has categorized the hockey played in Canada into four basic streams, each with different priorities. They include:
From the point of view of the clinic, the official must attend all sessions and must obtain the minimum mark on the examination. Once certified, it is essential that an official continue to update and be completely familiar with new rule interpretations and officiating techniques. To maintain one’s present level of certification, an individual must attend a full Hockey Canada officiating program clinic and write a national examination every year with appropriate passing mark.