Import Player Information (Out of Bounds Players)

If you DO NOT reside within the Kneehill Minor Hockey boundaries and your home association has no team in your age division, the team in your age division is full or you would like to apply for an exception to play in Kneehill (a letter outlining reasons must be included) you must fill out a Hockey Alberta Player Movement Form.

If this applies to you, please complete the applicable form (see below) and scan and submit it to

Each Player Movement Form will be reviewed by the KMHA board on a case by case basis.

While you await approval please Non Resident Registration to register as a non resident player.

If you are not an Kneehill Resident player but have played for Kneehill in the past you still MUST fill out and submit the Hockey Alberta Player Movement Form.  This is a yearly process.

**NOTE** Please send in your Player Movement request as soon as possible so we can look at the number of players in all divisions.


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